Anger Management



Violence is never appropriate during conflict, regardless of the circumstances. Domestic violence and all types of abuse are destructive forces which reduce the quality of family life, and dehumanize and degrade both the victim, perpetrator, and children. Domestic violence is also a crime, to which society responds with serious concern and legal consequences. Fortunately, violence is a learned behavior which can be changed if an individual is willing to admit their problem and accept education and counseling. It is possible to learn healthy ways of expressing feelings and managing anger. Except for legitimate self-defense, the use of force is never acceptable. Any individual who engages in violent or any other abusive behavior should be held accountable.


The Domestic Violence - MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy) Program consists of a 52-week course of education and counseling, with group sessions held once weekly.The program employs a proven evidence-based approach to stopping violence and abuse in family relationships:

  1. An educational component to help clients deepen their awareness of the role of gender in socialization, dynamics of power and control, nature of violence, effects of abuse, effects of alcohol or drug use, and nature of human relationships.
  2. A group counseling process to confront and change negative beliefs and attitudes that fuel violence and abuse, and to master problem solving strategies and positive coping mechanisms.

Book a consultation today for Anger Management with Alpine Center for Counseling and Recovery.  Call 760-873-4357 or book a consultation online.
